08 Aug #togetherwithamancentral CONTEST

#togetherwithamancentral Contest
Date : 17 Aug – 17 Sept 2023
Last day submission : 17 Sept 2023, 11.59pm
How to participate?
Step 1: Like & Follow Aman Central TikTok, Instagram and Facebook account to be eligible.
Step 2: Record a video (telling us) “Why I Love Malaysia?”
Step 3: Upload onto your personal account
Step 4: Include hashtag #ACContest #ACMerdeka in your video post and tag Aman Central
Step 5: Set your social media profile to “public”
Step 6: Receive 3 Kidzoona entry tickets after submission
Most LIKED video to WIN RM350.
TEN (10) most CREATIVE videos will be selected to WIN up to RM2,500.
The selection of winners are determined by creativity and originality of the response. Aman Central reserves the right to disqualify all entries that do not meet the rules and regulations of the Contest as described in these Terms and Conditions. These include entries submitted with invalid or incorrect information. Aman Central reserves the right to withhold the Prize pending verification of the Winner’s compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the Contest.